Pay water bills electronically
Pay Now
Go online to:
City Hall
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 5:00pm
Location: 116 S Kent St.
Phone: (254) 734-2317
Mailing Address:
PO Box 236
Gorman, TX 76454
Connect Fee Inside City Limits: $25
Connect Fee for Outside City Limits: $150
Water $42.00 Minimum
Sewer $25.00 minimum
Trash $21.61 + 1.78 tax
1500 Gallons is the minimum bill amount.
These amounts do not include Staff Line and Sewer Only Rates.
Deposit $100.00 Property owner, Plus $25.00 Connect Fee
Deposit $175.00 Renting, Plus $25.00 Connect Fee
Deposit $200.00 Outside City Limits Plus $150.00 Connect Fee